Statement From The Gloucester Fishermen Athletic Association About Next Year’s Gloucester Triathlon

"The Gloucester Fishermen Athletic Association has decided not to host the annual Gloucester Fisherman Sprint Triathlon in 2012, as we’ve done since its creation in 2009. The triathlon takes a huge amount of time and resources to organize and run, so the GFAA plans instead to focus on other efforts that better support our fundraising goals. We are immensely grateful to all who participated in the Gloucester Tri and helped make it possible the last three years. The Gloucester Fishermen Athletic Association remains more committed than ever to helping all of Gloucester’s children participate in the sport of their choice, regardless of financial circumstances."

-Janda Ricci-Munn, founder/race coordinator, Gloucester Fisherman Sprint Triathlon

Gloucester Fishermen Athletic Association


click the photo below for a slide show of past Gloucester Fishermen Triathlon photos