Adult Foster Care Info From Janet-

ADULT FOSTER CARE of the NORTH SHORE is a unique agency that places adults with disabilities in private homes where the home caregiver receives payment from MassHealth.
Our clients have a wide range of disabilities from very mild to severe, and ADULT FOSTER CARE works with caregivers to find the right client for the home. The client must have a daily personal care need.
Adult Foster Care is part of a growing, exciting statewide program in Massachusetts. The focus is to keep adults with disabilities in the community instead of an institution. Our team of professionals works with clients and caregivers to ensure a stable, healthy placement. We are available and welcome inquiries. We are located at 180 Main St., Gloucester in the Action Building. Please call us at 978-281-2612 if you are interested in our program.
Anyone may refer a potential client to Adult Foster Care. Our clients are adults (over age 16) with disabilities and a daily personal care need related to the disability.

What kind of disability would qualify a client for the program? The disability may be mental or physical. Many of our clients are already associated with other agencies, and we work with the other agencies to find the optimal setting for the individual client.

What defines a “personal care need?” A personal care need is related to hygiene, dressing, grooming, eating, and mobility. A disabled client may require physical assistance with bathing or may require daily monitoring for hygiene and appropriate dressing.