Happy, healthy & creative prep wishes to all readying for Passover, Easter, and Spring this covid-19 week 😷🕍🐰🔔🌱

How will you celebrate?

Temple Ahavat Achim_20170612_Gloucester Mass ©c ryan
Temple Ahavat Achim, July 2017

Emojipedia needs a seder emoji.

looking for color on dreary day_20200402_©c ryan
looking for spring, dreary day 4/2/2020


images of Annisquam church below


photos – cover and inside pages from 1979 Annisquam Historical Church 250th commerative celebration (cover art courtesy Louise Kenyon and Folly Cove Designers | text by Paul B. Kenyo) digitized here, collection Annisquam Historical Society


Video Matt Billy Installing 1979 Sabb G in Danish Double-Ender Project in Gloucester, MA

Matt Billy Writes-

Video of me lifting my Sabb G into my Danish double-ended cutter project, Jette. I live on the island called Cape Ann and I am building this boat in the town of East Gloucester, Massachusetts. I have been building boats for 15 years.