New Book From Sebastian Junger

A year ago this month, Sebastian Junger came to Gloucester to speak at a Gloucester 400+ event. Last night, he returned as a guest of the Bookstore of Gloucester on Main St to talk about his newest book In My Time of Dying. The book evolved from a near death life changing experience of Mr. Junger’s about 4 years ago. As with last May, his presentation was entertaining, informative and engaging. The City Hall Kyrouz Auditorium was packed to the gills with friends and interested residents for this intriguing topic.

I’ve read the book and am duly impressed (again) with Sebastian Junger’s writing style. He clearly does an overwhelming amount of research into his subjects. In fact, an impressive 19 pages of source material is listed and it’s obvious from the text that he’s done his homework. I noted several medical phrases such as you hear on those doctor shows. Some of them are complicated but he presents them in a way the reader can understand.

He presents the large questions of life and death in a thought provoking, but safe manner. I am of an age where my other retired friends are beginning to die and I’ve suffered several losses recently. It may be that my frame of mind was exceptionally ready to read and contemplate these exact questions. But I think the book will have wide appeal and suggest you put it on your reading list. Thank you Mr. Junger for sharing such personal insights. Well done on the Bookstore of Gloucester in arranging the event!

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