Two Sides of the Dike — pat morss

The causeway separates salt water Brace Cove from brackish Niles Pond, creating two diverse environments.

A young Great Black-backed Gull and Ring-billed Gulls share Brace Cove beach.
A seal out in the cove has a long wait for low tide to haul out on a rock.
Another Great Black-backed Gull swims contentedly next to the breakwater.
Gulls adapt equally well to Niles Pond, which is starting to show its fall colors.
Painted Turtles enjoy the sun on a favorite rock.
An American Black Duck, protective of his family, lets me know he sees me.
Two American Coots struggle to untangle breakfast.
A Ruddy Duck resurfaces near the middle of its dive circle.
This female Mallard decides it’s time for a duck dunk.
And water rolls right off her back.
Standing up to dry off.
It takes flapping to dry the wings.
That refreshing feeling.
So nearby, why is he so sad?

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