Tarot Reading Event Shared By Cat Cavallini

Cat Cavalinni shares the following information regarding an event at Hammond Castle:

Annette Dion, local Gloucester professional tarot card reader, will be teaching tarot at the Hammond Castle again this month! This two hour tarot class will take place from 7-9 pm (with a Q&A session after) on Wednesday, October 11th.  You have the option to attend in person at the historic Hammond Castle or you can link to a livestream (session recording included).  
If you’ve had an interest in reading the tarot, join Annette for this fun and informative class!
Sign up for registration tickets https://www.psychicannettedion.com  or go straight to  https://www.hammondcastle.org/
You don’t want to miss it!

Cat adds that 50% of proceeds will go to Hammond Castle restoration.

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