Gloucester sculptor and designer Morgan Faulds Pike’s arrestingly beautiful works of art are often inspired by the wildlife and wild habitats of Cape Ann. I love her description of a Red Fox she recently spied. Go here to Morgan’s website to see a collection of her stunning sculptures, carvings for pipe organs, and drawings. And of course, you can always visit her “Gloucester Fishermen’s Wives Memorial” on the boulevard.
Thanks so much to Morgan for sharing!!
Hello  Kim,
Heading home Tuesday from an early morning run around the quarries, I saw this fox cross Granite Street toward the Tool Company. She munched on something under a bush in the empty lot while crows, and later mockingbirds, harassed her. I got out of the car and watched her calmly cross at the crosswalk, then head up Curtis street on the sidewalk. A beautiful animal with ink dipped feet and ears and a white tipped fat fur tail. Sorry it’s only iPhone resolution…
Morgan Faulds Pike

Red Fox are so elusive. We used to see them all the time in East Gloucester, especially on the backshore beaches, scavenging early, early in the morning. I see them now much more frequently in West Gloucester (and Gray Fox, too) and Joey recently saw one trotting along in East Gloucester, after years of no sightings.

I read that where you have a greater concentration of Eastern Coyotes there will be fewer Red Fox. I also read that because of habitat competition from the Eastern Coyote, they are now denning closer to people’s homes as these sites are deemed safer from coyotes. Coyotes typically sleep out in the open and don’t usually make a den, unless it’s pupping season, and then they may use a fox’s den.

Generous Gardeners Garden Tour

This years garden tour took place in Lanesville and was a treat for one and all. A huge Thank You to both the Generous Gardeners and to the home owners that allowed us to visit their homes to see their gardens and wonderful views.

Lavender Lemonade ~

Cape Ann Wellness

Love lemonade and lavender? Experience headaches and/or anxiety? Try our favorite summer go to drink…Lavender Lemonade!

Lavender Lemonade is a fragrant, refreshing, and beautiful drink.

Lemonade is so refreshing as is, and it’s actually so easy to make at home. You can prepare this easy lemonade recipe any time, and it’s so good all summer long. Just add in a bit of lavender essential oil to to give it an extra kick of color and flavor.

• 3 organic lemons
• 7 cups water
• 1 drop organic lavender essential oil
• ¾ cup organic raw agave
• Handful ice cubes (as needed)
• Optional: lemon slices for garnish

Juice the lemons into a pitcher
Add the water, lavender and agave
Stir well to mix, then add ice and serve!

*optional: add in some grated ginger and garnish with mint leaves.

Stop by Whole Foods…

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Sea gull steals wallet / bag – recovery from roof top

A seagull snatched a wallet / bag from young couple on  Friday the 13th on Main Street at about 9:00 PM.  Fortunately a crew was setup lights for Saturday Block Party.  The crew recovered the bag / wallet from the roof top for the young couple.

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