Northshore Magazine’s Grand Tasting was Grand…to say the least.

Oh my word, I’m still full.  I’m going to go ahead right now and say that you’d be crazy to not pull out your calendars this very second and make a note to start looking for this spectacular event come about next January.  January was, in fact, the month this year that my mom called me and asked, “Do you want to go to Northshore Magazine’s Grand Tasting with me?”  Ummm, yes please.

So, last night, after work, the two of us drove up to the Blue Ocean Event Center in Salisbury….luckily with fairly empty stomachs.  While I don’t know the exact number, I’m going to guess that there were close to 75 vendors on site to share their amazing cuisine, decadent desserts, craft beers, wide range of wines, and even some tasty cocktail creations.  Live music in two rooms….with a pretty spectacular view of the ocean….added to the already ample ambiance.

I’m not even the slightest bit ashamed to tell you that I enjoyed some pretty sweet sushi, opulent oysters, steak tartare, a pulled pork slider, smoked salmon roulade, an avocado soup sip, pear sacchetti, and a lemon pistachio truffle (ummm….amongst other things).  Like I said, I’m still full. As for drinks, you ask? I sampled a blood orange mule (yum!) from Powell & Mahoney Limited, a Melt Away Session IPA from Newburyport Brew Co., and a tiny bit of prosecco.

The last photo in this post shows the pretty sweet Swag (Schwag) Bags that were given out to VIPs.  I, for the record, did not get one.  Maybe someone at North Shore Magazine will see this post and remedy that for next year.  Just saying.

With or without VIP status, I’ll be going back next year for sure.  Kudos to North Shore Magazine, the vendors, and all of those who put this event together.  Oh, and to my mom, for the great idea.

Check out Northshore Magazine’s Grand Tasting Facebook page to see more from this event. 

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