Extremely rare in these waters, Captain Pete Mondello brought in this cool trigger fish to share with us. #triggerfish #commercialfishing #lobstercompany #lobster #GloucesterMA

4 thoughts on “Extremely rare in these waters, Captain Pete Mondello brought in this cool trigger fish to share with us. #triggerfish #commercialfishing #lobstercompany #lobster #GloucesterMA

  1. We had one spend most of the summer at our docks in Lynn about 2 years ago. We called the aquarium and they said if we could catch it they would come get him. We tried for weeks! If you don’t get any takers you may want to call them.


  2. Is this a fish that’s usually found in warmer waters? Maybe the hurricane pushed it up? I don’t know about these things. But am curious what it means, if it means anything, vis warming sea temps?


  3. We had a great gray triggerfish at the Heritage Center several years ago. We kept it in our indoor lab aquarium until we were able to find a permanent home for it in the Maine Aquarium. We had another specimen that was found mummified on an island in the Essex River. Although they are rare in these waters, it is not unheard of to find them here this time of year. They tend to stay south of the Cape, but they have been found (historically) as far north as Nova Scotia. Often they end up here when warm water eddies break off an carry them in.

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