Fred Bodin’s GMG Birthday Mug Up

fred birthday mug up 
This Sunday, July 28th at 9:30am, Fred will be hosting  Mug Up at his gallery, Bodin Historic Photo at 82 Main Street.  Come help celebrate Fred’s birthday (inquiring minds want to know which one it is – anyone care to guess?), and bring along some food or beverage to share if you like, but it’s not required. We’ll be gnawing on deviled eggs, monkey bread, and Fred will be serving coffee and juice.  Meet the GMG crew: Family, authors, and photographers of Good Morning Gloucester.  Birthday presents are fine as long as they are edible and we’ll all share them.  So come on down to Main Street when the parking is free and Fred is one year older.  It’ll be fun, because we don’t just have a party — we ARE the party.  All are welcome!
E.J. Lefavour

4 thoughts on “Fred Bodin’s GMG Birthday Mug Up

  1. Hi Jenn, The sound guys are Essex Radio. The address to send the file of the video clip is as follows: Just tell him in your email that the clip is for my web site: If you don’t mind, please cc me as well. Thanks for your help. Dave Benjamin


  2. Tomorrow morning, we’ll have bagels & creme cheese, smoked salmon, Monkey Bread from Lattoff’s Farm, all kinds of juices and other libations, grapes, and celery stalks that will be immersed into spiced tomato juice (if you get my drift). A last minute invited guest will be Chris, who is a relatively young yoga master and teacher of yoga teachers, and isn’t into the yoga pants thing at all, just like Joey. I want him to meet EJ. He’s new to Downtown Gloucester and would like to make friends. I promise not to wear the hat you see in the photo above. I’ll be sporting the new GMG hat for the paparazzi. Hope to see you after 9:30. Ouch – I better get home and to bed.


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