YES! I knew it! Meditation Helps!

YES! I knew it! Meditation Helps!

All you Naysayers can kiss my…. Wait, deep breathe Paul, in in in in, now let it out.

 Ok continue;

The practice, which involves the continual repeating of a mantra, was found to reduce high blood pressure, cholesterol and thickening of the arteries. It is also protects against diabetes.

“This is a seminal finding,” said Dr Norman Rosenthal of the American government’s National Institute of Mental Health.

“The prevention of heart attack and stroke and actual lengthening of lifespan by an alternative

treatment method is exceedingly rare, if not unprecedented.

“If Meditation were a drug conferring so many benefits, it would be a billion-dollar blockbuster.” read more here:

4 thoughts on “YES! I knew it! Meditation Helps!

  1. THANKS, Paul, for posting this. There have been a few studies in the past couple of years that back up what you’re reporting.

    Just a note in case folks are put off by the thought of repeating a mantra. There are many kinds of meditation. Mantra meditation can be very powerful but isn’t for everyone. A simple type of meditation is to focus on the breath. Some folks like this and find breath meditaiton very calming. Others find breath meditation difficult to stay focused and give up trying meditation at all. Another type of meditation is on a visualization, for example of a place that brings the feeling of joy when you think of it or of a holy being like Jesus or the Buddha.

    If folks on Cape Ann want to learn to meditate or want to make progress in their meditation practice, please join us at 154 Granite Street, Rockport. It’s a Buddhist center of study but classes are ecumenical. There are three different meditation classes, offered for different interests and for convenience of scheduling:
    –Tuesday evenings, 7:30 to 9:00 PM: longer, guided meditations and brief talks about how to enhance your meditation practice
    –Friday mornings: 7:30 to 10:15 AM: drop in for 45 minute segments of silent meditation or talks to learn meditation or to enhance your meditation practice (please see our website, info below)
    –Friday afternoon/evening: 5:30 to 6:30 PM: focusing on shorter, gudied meditations with brief talks and discussion to learn to meditate or to enhance your meditation practice. Beginners most welcome.
    The website is In the calendar go to the day/time of the class you’re interested in and and click on the class title. There will be more info available. Or folks can call 978-381-9224 for more information.


    1. I don’t do the mantra thing EJ. I use guided meditation. I found some great stuff on Itunes for free that i use. such as: flying over the ocean at sunrise, etc My Mantra would probably be; FREE, FREE, FREE. Or GMG, GMG, GMG 🙂


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