Chickity Check It! -The Hive Cape Ann

from the hive-

About Hive


Hi There

The Hive is equal parts working studio, gallery event space & clubhouse for the younger generation of Cape Ann creative folk. We formed early in 2009 to encourage art & idea collaborations, support systems and the creation of links between individuals and their community as a whole.



The Hive seeks to build community by providing a space for arts exploration, cross-pollination of ideas and promoting creative and active lifestyles on Cape Ann.


Our Blog

This blog is our mainline of communication. Content ranges from what’s happening at the The Hive, to what our contributing artists are currently working on, to general info of what’s going on on Cape Ann and the surrounding area.


Artists & Community

We are a pretty diverse crew, ranging both in our artistic styles as well as our passions. However, we find common ground in our vision to unite the creative & active community and make Cape Ann a more unique place. Check out our profiles to learn more about us.



For a place that has such a rich history with the arts, sometimes it feels like the current scene is much too focused on traditional fine art and is lacking on support for new mediums. Our gallery at The Hive sprouted from the fact that we have so many local friends doing interesting work, without a clear venue to show it.



We’ll see. A bigger building in a more centralized location with more artists & community members involved?? Check out for inspiration and get in touch.


Check out TheHiveCapeAnn by clicking this text

Check it out and subscribe, you won’t be disappointed

4 thoughts on “Chickity Check It! -The Hive Cape Ann

  1. Joey you beat me to it! I was gonna tip you off to the Hive soon. Thanks for the post. I’m really excited about what we have going over there. Gallery should be opening in mid June.


    1. Jon I check your site out every day. You didn’t even need to tip me off. You guys are doing some fantastic stuff. Great shot in Cape Ann Magazine’s Summer Guide BTW, page 38


    1. We are at 1 station Square in Rockport. Upstairs In the building on the right side of the ace/ smith lumber property. I haven’t put a sign out yet cause we are still going the the process of getting the liscences for rockport. Gallery should open in mid june. check our connect page on for more directions.


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