Snoop Mad and The Bean Push The Flower Cart

2 thoughts on “Snoop Mad and The Bean Push The Flower Cart

  1. Hey Joe. I am your sister’s tennis partner. I told her that I check in with your blog most every day and that she makes a mean looking pie.

    Not sure how I originally stumbled upon it, but its really fun to see what you are up to in any given day. Now my husband is hooked on the lobsterman truck series. And my dad loves the sunrise pics.

    I told your sister I would sign in and introduce myself and let you know I am not some weird cyber-stalker!!

    I met your wife and kids this week. What a couple of great kids. And your wife is very FUNNY!

    Have a great weekend and No 4 AM pictures on a Sunday.


  2. Thanks Dee,

    it’s comments like that that make the blog so much fun to do.

    We were just out shopping for a Mother’s Day present for my mom and got stopped by some nice folks that told me they love the blog too.

    It’s a blast.

    Look for tomorrow’s last minute Mothers day gift idea series.


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