My Baby is no longer a baby

My Baby is no longer a baby, originally uploaded by captjoe06.

OK I’m really really having a tough time with this.

Since the Bean was a couple months old she slept and put herself to sleep with her two binkies. One orange, and one pink.

The Mrs and I have been lamenting the day that we would have to take the binkies away because we figured that Ellie would never get to sleep without them, and the horror show it would be trying to get her to sleep.

Out of the blue last night she tells her mom that she wants to give her binkies to the fishies and lobsters down at daddy’s wharf.

So she came down and tossed them to the fishies without even batting an eyelash. What was supposed to be this trying time of transition into being a little girl from a baby happened in the blink of an eye.

And I’m pretty sad about it.

It’s the last thing of her being a baby, and there’s no turning back.
