He’s Baaaack! Our Elf (Not On The Shelf) Ziggy Made His Return Appearance December 1 (Send In Your Elf Creative Location Photos and I’ll Post ‘Em

What up Zig Master Zig?

Just Chillin Like A Mofo I see.

Send in your Creative Elf On The Shelf Location Photos to goodmorninggloucester@yahoo.com I’ll post ‘em don’t forget to add in your elf’s name and family name. represent!  Bonus points if you can include  a GMG Sticka with your Elf Photo

2012-12-01 22.46.372012-12-01 22.46.01

Letter To Santa Christmas 09

In case you’re wondering,  Ziggy is the Elf on the Shelf who reported for duty in our house.
From The Elf on The Shelf Wiki-
Elf on the Shelf
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Elf on the Shelf is a Christmas tradition begun in the 1970’s by Carol Aebersold. The tradition began when Aebersold’s children became curious about how Santa was able to determine who was naughty and who was nice. Aebersold answered their question by introducing her children to a toy elf and explained to them that the elf was one of Santa’s scouts and that every night he made a trip to the North Pole to report on their behavior. Every morning, after completing his journey, the elf was found in a different location in their house.

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