Chickity Check It!- Ysolt Usigan’s Gloucester article has hit the Huffington Post

Ysolt Usigan’s Gloucester article has hit the Huffington Post:

I’ve always wanted an Eat Pray Love adventure of my own. Author Elizabeth Gilbert once told Oprah that your journey can happen right in your own backyard — you don’t have to go far. Although there’s much to be desired about traveling to Italy, India and Indonesia for a year — that’s a dream come true really — let’s get real here… Some of us have jobs, obligations and financial constraints.

But the reality is, I’ve been in a funk and desperately needed a change of scenery. I didn’t care where I went, I just wanted to go somewhere and all I had was a long weekend. So for my personal journey, I traveled to an unlikely place: Gloucester, MA, a quaint fishing town on Cape Ann in Essex Count, MA where films like The Perfect Storm, Mermaids and Grown Ups were once shot. I’ve never been there. I had no expectations. It was the perfect place to regroup, revive and rediscover (myself). Although I didn’t pray (that’s never been my style), I ate, I loved and I found my spirit in four days.

Click the picture below for the entire story on the hugely popular Huffington Post


Arian Doud  from Matter Communications the PR firm that was hired by The Cape Ann Chamber of Commerce reached out to Ysolt and invited her to visit Gloucester. Then, Tracey at the Bass Rocks hosted Ysolt and her traveling companion for the weekend and Matter provided Ysolt with a pre-set itinerary that included all the local businesses that wound up in her article. It’s a good example of why Matter was hired and the positive attention they’ve brought the city through it’s PR marketing.