2013 “WolfStock” This Sunday 2-6 PM at Wolf Hollow

Feels like fall. Must be time to head to Ipswich and right after the turn-off to Crane’s beach, turn into 114 Essex Road (click for directions) to find yourself at Wolf Hollow this Sunday from 2-6 PM. Why? Because there will be wolves of course. And activities for your kids, food from the vendors, and beer from the Mercury Brewing Tap Mobile. Almost forgot, the Reggae Band Jah Spirit will be playing because after all it’s the 2013 Annual Reggae Fund Raiser at Wolf Hollow.

You scratch my neck, I lick your face.
You scratch my neck, I lick your face.

This is Nina and Jamie-Lynne Mezzetti (Nina is on the left), getting some neck scratches and licks traded back in January, photo by Zee Soffron. You may not get this close to a wolf on Sunday but they might howl for you. Wolves love reggae.

Until December 1st you can visit every Saturday and Sunday. Formal presentation of the wolves is at 1:30 PM so aim to get there by 1 PM. After December 1, Sunday only, weather permitting. (But this Sunday, remember, 2-6 PM.)

Here is a shot that Rubber Duck took last fall during a presentation:2wolfCheck out the size of those paws! Checking out the paw is an easy way of distinguishing Wolf from coyote or domestic dog. A wolf has some big ones. The next time you see tracks in the snow or mud on Cape Ann, measure the size of the paw. Was it a coyote, a coywolf, or a wolfote? Likely they will be a tad smaller than these paws.

Wolf Hollow Web Site or follow them on Facebook where there are more awesome photos of Wolf Hollow wolves.