Discover Gloucester Weekly from Linn Parisi

Discover Gloucester’s been hosting many familiarization tours (FAMs) for journalists, tour operators and agents- getting great exposure for our destination. The latest: Saveur Magazine folks will be here Friday re: seafood- woot!- and two Germans are arriving on Sunday. They’ll attend the Harbor Walk dedication at Gus Foote Park, and then walk the Walk before going on a schooner sail, among other fun things. What’s not to like, right?!

We’ve been slinging out Discover Gloucester Visitor Guides like crazy (Thanks Lia, Daphne and Pat!) with only 12k of the original 100k left! Businesses can still sign out Visitor Guides in bags of 50 at the Stage Fort Park Visitor Welcoming Center, which is open 7 days a week, 10A-6P.

A few of our Board members were on the ad hoc committee that made recommendations to rewrite the City’s Tourism Commission ordinance. A public hearing re: the new ordinance is coming up at City Hall- stay tuned!

Here’s a few pictures from a recent evening on the terrace at the Beauport Sleeper-McCann House on Eastern Point- fabulous!

Homie and RD will really relate to one of them πŸ™‚

Hopefully Gloucester residents know they get FREE admission to daily Beauport tours…. How sweet is that?! If you haven’t been- Go!

Their Nooks & Crannies Tours (August 25 and September 15) offer fascinating peeks into spaces not open to daily tours. Reserve now, too, for the always-sold-out Brilliant Beauport Tour at twilight on 9/27. You’ve got to see Beauport at night!…/Beauport/beauport

Back to work- and thanks, Joey… I promise to be more diligent & timely!     Linn

Linn Parisi
Discover Gloucester

Discover Gloucester Weekly from Linn Parisi

Gloucester is getting a lot of exposure from all the familiarization tours (FAMs) that have been here lately-and they’re still arriving! Some of them are sent here by MOTT- the MA Office of Travel & Tourism- via the North of Boston CVB (Convention & Visitor Bureau), and some are generated by PR for Gloucester, via Matter Communication – thanks John McElhenney!

The week before last we had a the UK Travel Channel crew here filming for their show, and last Sunday an Italian TV RAI 3 crew was here.

This coming mid-week, there will be four different FAMs here- and it’s all good for Gloucester.

Thanks to all the accommodations, attractions and dining establishments who host and welcome these valuable FAMs!

You’re probably wondering why the re-run of your fabulous photo of lobsters?

Because tomorrow, June 15, is NATIONAL LOBSTER DAY!


Over 40 restaurants on the island to get your lobster fix…. and if you want to cook ’em and  have your own feast at home like my Father in Law will as our gift on Father’s Day, then you get ’em at Capt. Joe & Sons!