The waze and wikipedia of bird sightings- Ebird, crowdsourcing since 2002- shows Gloucester whale watching great for birding and

The online database collaboration of Cornell Lab of Ornithology and National Audubon Society compiles aggregate data from engaged birders. What a staggering quantity of volunteers taking the time to share and record data!

Although Cape Ann towns are not ‘hot spots’

it’s fun to sift through the information and peek at some public competition. The top 100 birders in MA are predominantly male.  (We know Cape Ann is a birding hot spot though it may not be a recording hot spot.) There are plenty of reports from scenic North Shore sites: Cranes Beach, Plum Island, Chewbacco Woods, Coolidge Reservation, Eastern Point, and Halibut Point. Less traveled spots such as ‘Lanesville Community garden’ and local cemeteries have a diary entry feel to them and fun to peruse. Checklists indicate the distance and effort taken for any given outing, and the duration, often significant.

There are scores of reports from Gloucester whale watch trips –customers and staff. Look for ‘Stellwagen Bank’ as a listed location. I think I’d like the location column added to one default screen, and a category for whale watching.



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eBird: An online database of bird distribution and abundance. eBird, Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, New York. Available: (Accessed: Date [July 30, 2016]).

Gloucester HarborWalk marker for birds/birding is located along the walkway by Gloucester House, I4C2, and Topside Grill.

Gloucester HarborWalk marker for whales is located just outside Tonno.

SEVEN SEAS WHALE WATCH +1-888-283-1776
CAPE ANN WHALE WATCH +1-800-877-5110
CAPT BILL & SONS +1-800-339-4253
YANKEE FLEET +1-978-283-0313


Alicia Unleashed Podcast Episode 2 Taped 9/2/15 With Guests Katrina Wightman, Bridget Ernest, Jenn Klopotoski, Kyle Danikas and Host Alicia Cox


Alicia Unleashed Podcast

Alicia Unleashed Podcast Episode 2 Taped 9/2/15

Potty mouth, Savour Wine and Cheese, Steve Connoly’s lobster meat, lobster snob, new words added to the Oxford dictionary, can you disconnect from your phone, how to get out of a date, texting instead of face to face conversation, best and worst pick up lines, celebrities running for political office, fantasy football vs. reality tv, Gronks voice on Waze GPS, guy mentality, friends that are vindictive but come across sweet and innocent, pool landscape