Last September we wrote about the rare undulatus asperatus clouds over Gloucester Harbor. According to WBZ-TV chief meterologist Eric Fisher, they were recognized by the Wold Meteorological Organization in March as an official cloud formation. The clouds could be seen over Boston the past few days. You can see a photos of the wavy formations here:  Good Morning Gloucester Undulatus Asperitus.

Undulatus asperatus clouds over Gloucester Harbor from Rocky Neck Railways

To learn more about undulatus asperatus, read more here.



Undulatus asperatus -2 copyright Kim SmithYou couldn’t help but notice yesterday morning’s dramatic cloud formations. Facebook Friends have been posting from several different times of the day and these photos were taken around 7am. I am so curious and tried looking it up although it was all a bit confusing. Its fun to say undulatus asperatus, but that’s only a guess. Do we have any cloud experts that would like to write and let us know? Gloucester City Hall Undulatus asperatus copyright Kim SmithUndulatus asperatus copyright Kim SmithUndulatus asperatus Gloucester copyright Kim Smith