GoodMorningGloucester Tree Project- We Did It!

GoodMorningGloucester Tree Project – We Did It!

click the picture to view the video

A Walkthough of The Finished Project and Thanks To All!

GoodMorningGloucester Tree Project Before Pics

GoodMorningGloucester Tree Project Before Pics

Doug Cook’s Landscape Design Plan for GMG Tree Project

Please click on the picture and select “all sizes” option to see the plan in full size and greater clarity with the names of all the plantings.

We are a bit away from the costs of getting the project done but I’m confident that some of the folks that dig the site will step up.  So far Doug figures we have enough to cover the costs of the plants and trees (thanks to the donation of a Tree and Doug’s services along with Aaron Burke’s pledge of a backhoe and labor.  Now we just need enough to cover the cost of the mulch, loam and a few shrubs.

Thanks so much to Doug from Aaron Burke and everyone who has contributed.

Doug Cook Gets Involved With The GMG Tree Project!

Good Eggs- Doug Cook is a good egg.  Not only is he going to offer his Landscaping expertise consulting  for the type of trees and land preparation, but he is also going to donate a tree for the GMG Tree Project!  I couldn’t be more excited and happy to have Doug aboard the GMG team.

Check out Doug’s website which is in the process of being updated