VIDEO: Len Burgess Stunning Crystal Light Etched Images at Salt Lake City Train Station

See this short video of a train station in Utah incorporating Len Burgess gorgeous ice crystal images, illuminated by colored LED lights.

Crystal Light transforms the two level environment of the Transfer Station of the UTA linking the new line to the airport with the existing commuter line. The dramatic weather of Salt Lake City is suggested in images of water in its different states: ice crystals, clouds, a rushing stream, gentle waves of the lake. These are etched into the glass windscreens and elevator tower to catch the sunlight during the day and at night color flows through the station with programmed lighting.

Len writes, “Some of my ice crystal photos are etched in a Salt Lake City train station. This Salt Lake City train station has been designed using etched glass and changing colored lighting. Here’s a new video of the station. Well known architectural designer Catherine Widgery designed this structure using water in it’s many forms as the theme.”