Market Restaurant Scallops Wrapped In Bacon

Last night dinner was a who’s who of North of Boston Food Bloggers dinner at The Market Restaurant at Lobster Cove.

The Two Palaverers, Author Jane Ward, The Savory Kitchen, our own David Cox, 5thJoy,The H-Bomb,and one Half of North Shore Dish got together to nosh and talk shop blogging.

Good times, good food, excellent service and ALWAYS most important to me- GOOD COMPANY!

Here’s the appetizers that David and I split- Scallops wrapped in bacon.




Cod Academy Opens Doors in Maine

Thanks to The Two Palaverers for the heads up on this story


Apparently NOAA awarded $183,000 for the initial coursework phase of the project in which commercial fishermen will be setting up their own fish farms.

From The Working Waterfront-

Cod Academy opens doors

by Muriel L. Hendrix


After more than a year of planning and lengthy application procedures, the Maine Aquaculture Association has received federal funding from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration aquaculture program and the agency’s northeast regional office for a new program, Cod Farming for Maine’s Commercial Fishermen.  The "Cod Academy", as it has been dubbed by Sebastian Belle, director of Maine Aquaculture Association, will provide a unique opportunity for fishermen of Hancock and Washington Counties to develop an alternative business which utilizes their existing skills as fishermen.

To read the rest of this story click the title link