The Great Christmas Light Fight

We have several holiday traditions.  Some are silly and some are really, really special.

One of the sillier ones started last night….the 3rd season of The Great Christmas Light Fight.

The boys LOVE to hunker down with some cocoa and popcorn and watch the 4 families compete with pretty fantastic holiday light displays.  The boys continued to love it even after they realized it wasn’t going to be a show with families chucking holiday lights at each other….as the title evidently led them to believe.

We love “getting to know” the four families, seeing where they live, and hearing their stories.  We love seeing them come together and work so hard to make their magic happen.  We love guessing Who Will Win.

While it’s no, It’s a Wonderful Life, it works for us.

Check it out if you have some time to kill….if nothing else, it’ll help bring the holiday season to your living room.





Christmas Can Can

I mentioned this last week, but the four of us have been enjoying watching The Great Christmas Light Fight this season (dorks, I know).

While this house wasn’t one of our favorites when the episode aired, this video is pretty sweet and the music-director-turned-Christmas-light-decorator has some mad holiday skills!


Head to the Lights

I’m reaching out to the world’s greatest FOBs for some help!

My boys have been getting a kick out of watching The Great Christmas Light Fight on TV.  Now they want to go see some “epic” Christmas lights, but I’ve yet to find a fabulous neighborhood.

I have such fond memories of driving around East Gloucester and off of Grapevine Road to see the lights when I was younger and I’d like my boys to do the same.  We’re willing to drive 30 minutes or so if it’ll be worth it, so if you have any suggestions, fire away!

Thanks in advance for any and all help!

The Great Christmas Light Fight
