Heath’s Tea Room … Re-opening Friday April 24th, 2015. Now accepting Mother’s Day Reservations for our 11:30 am, 1:30 pm & 3:30 pm seatings.



Here’s a slide show of one of my visits. I highly recommend the cottage pie, quiche and the Roast Turkey with Stuffing  is to die for. https://www.flickr.com/photos/joey_grl/sets/72157626793853325/

visit their website> http://www.heathstearoom.com/Home.html 

For all the Tuna Sushi Eaters ~ How to Make Jasmine Rice

Jasmine plants are one of the easiest house plants to grow. Ours spend the summer on the sunny kitchen patio and the winter in a south-facing window. All winter long our Jasminum sambac  ‘Maid of Orleans’ throws us blossoms enough to flavor tea and rice whenever needed. At this time of year it provides handfuls and they can be used fresh or dried.

A half a dozen fresh jasmine flowers is all that is needed to scent a large pot of rice. Simply toss the flowers in with the rice, along with a pinch of salt, splash of olive oil, and water to boil. You don’t need to remove the flowers when done as they are perfectly edible. And its just that easy with a pot of tea, hot or cold. Add the flowers while the tea is seeping. For maximum jasmine flavor, rub the rim of the glass or cup with a freshly plucked blossom.

Jasmine flower ice tea Jasminium sambuc ©Kim Smith 2014

Jasmine Flower Ice Tea

Within the pages of my book on garden design, you’ll find a wealth of information about edible flowers, as well as information on growing herbs.

Excerpt from Oh Garden of Fresh Possibilities! ~ Notes from a Gloucester Garden

“Moonlight of the Groves”

Jasmine is among the loveliest of plants used to cover vertical structures—walls, arbors, porches, pergolas, bowers, and what you will. To my knowledge, and sadly so, none of the fragrant Jasminum are reliably hardy north of zone seven, and therefore must be potted up to spend the winter indoors.
Jasminum sambac, a woody evergreen shrub with vining tendencies, flowers freely throughout the year, covered with small (3⁄8 ̋), white, single or double flowers that fade to pink as they age. The perfume is similar to lilacs and orange blossoms, an exhilarating combination of scents that insinuates itself throughout garden and home.

Jasminum sambac is the flower that the Hindus gave the poetic name of “Moonlight of the Groves.” An ingredient often utilized to make perfume and flavor tea, J. sambac is also called bela when used to make garlands by women to wear in their hair during in Hindu worship ceremonies.

Although originally native to India, J. sambac grows throughout southern China. Confucius wrote that scented flowers were strewn about on all festive occasions. Houseboats and temples alike were hung with fragrant blossoms of peach, magnolia, jonquil, and jasmine. Gardens were devoted solely to the cultivation of jasmine to make fragrant oils and perfumes, to scent wines and teas, and to adorn the wrists and hair for women to wear in the evening. Each morning the unopened buds would be collected before dawn and brought to market for the city flower sellers to string into garlands and bracelets. Enhancing the tea experience by adding aromatics began during the Song Dynasty (a.d.960-1279). A single, newly opened blossom of J. sambac is all that is needed to perfume and flavor a pot of tea.

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“Twilight Lounge” on Pleasant Street

Just got this note from Meg of the “Neighborhood Apothecary“:

_DSC09070 Neighborhood Apothecary hangs its shingleI came up with a crazy idea the other day that we will be trying on Sundays from now until November. There will be a “Twilight Lounge” in the courtyard in front of the shop (17 Pleasant Street) from 5:30pm to 10pm. It will feature tea for $1, dancing, and some great old tunes. Dress is casual or retro, whichever people prefer. There might be sweets if I can get some of the local bakeries on board. Very family friendly.

Have a good one!

Mayor Kirk stopped in to the Neighborhood Apothecary recently, and I just happened to be there to snap this photo of Mayor Kirk with Meg:
_DSC09072 Mayor Kirk at the Neighborhood Apothecary

Matthew Green

Neighborhood Apothecary at a new address

Remember the Neighborhood Apothecary? I wrote about them not long ago when I discovered them at the block party. At the time, you sort of had to follow a map or a trail of bread crumbs to get to their store on the 4th floor of the Blackburn building.  I saw the owner Meg and her associate Clint the other day, moving into new retail space on Pleasant Street!

Their new location is 17 Pleasant Street:

_DSC08969 New location for Neighborhood ApothecaryThrough the gate, through the door on the left, down the stairs.

I bought some chamomile while I was there.
Meg was out, so Clint was manning the counter:

_DSC08980 Clint servint chamomile

Clint’s name was inspired by Clint Eastwood, but he’s much nicer than Dirty Harry.

Stop by and check out their wares! They will be having a grand opening soon for the new location. I’ll post the info when it is available.

Matthew Green