Just a shave away | The Black Bear Barber Shop opts for a different Main Street location

East End Main Street, Gloucester, Massachusetts, street-level retail news

Before building out a new space at 261 Main Street, next door to Alexandra’s Bread, The Black Bear Barber Shop will set up instead across the street at 260 Main Street. The business will be the first commercial tenant in the new 260 Main Street multi use building. (Cape Ann Animal Aid was the last tenant in the razed building.) There was a chance to customize plumbing for a ground floor retail space and it might mean more customer parking.

Blackbear Barber Shop moving to 260 Main Street Gloucester instead ©c ryan.jpg

Settling into 260 Main Street rather than 261 means that 261 Main Street (Eastern Point Lit House was last there and seasonally PRESENT) is available to rent.

260 Main Street_20180619_new construction multi use in progress©c ryan.jpg
The Black Bear Barber Shop coming to 260 Main Street