The Faces Pastries & Nightly Rituals of the St. Joseph Novena 


Just prior to beginning our rosary prayer service, my “Cumnares” are buzzing around the altar, kitchen and dining room lending a helping hand with the many behind the scene rituals that are necessary to keep each evenings novena running smoothly and enjoyable for all who attend. It takes many helping hands to pull off this type of tradition for nine consecutive evenings. Many hosting families have a crew of  devoted helpers, who show up a little earlier each night and stay a little late to help with set up and clean up! The tasks of fixing the altar candles, adding new names to our growing prayer list, organizing and handing out prayer books, and preparing the dining room table for “Novena Coffee Time,” including the arrangement of  freshly baked desserts, preparing pots of Cappuccino, and the after coffee cleanup are all performed with love!

It’s with my deepest gratitude that I personally thank ! Bridgette Mathews Abbey Mathews, Andrea Randazza Carlson,Caryn Linquata Ryder, Nicole Imbrunone Curcuru, Mo Klop and Julie Sanfilippo, Eleanor Tucker, my mother Pat, daughter Amanda and all who pitch in to help me keep this tradition alive night after night!






The Novena Coffee desert assortment changes each evening, and never disappoints!



 Click read more for~Last nights Novena Day 3 photo gallery

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