Check out the local scene: Art at the Schoolhouse spring show opens tomorrow

One weekend only…more than 50 exhibitors last year

Magnolia Historical Society

donna pauline


Greetings all:

FINALLY! The long-awaited Vernal Equinox arrives on Wednesday, March 20th at 7:02 am EDT. Crocus are blooming and the days are lengthening. May the miracle of Spring bring you as much joy as it does to me!

Tom Philbrook


First full day of Spring: Where is the sun?

You live in New England so snow is not unexpected this first full day of spring. But the sun is doing its equinox thing whether we can see it or not.

Equinox: equal day and equal night. But a good visualization can be found here using a cool solar calculator. Click your favorite spot to view sunrise and also check the boxes at the bottom for sunrise and sunset.

For December 21 sunrise would look like this:

and June 21 sunrise would look like this:

Today, sunrise is doing the perfect splits. Straight east and straight west:

Ah, the equal night and day makes sense now.