Fr. Jim Blessing The Altar & Ingredients for The 2015 St. Joseph Feast



Photos by Bridget Mathews


Early this morning daughter Amanda and I were reminiscing about this years Novean while looking through dozens of photos downloaded onto my computer. It’s with mixed emotions I write todays post. Feeling incredible blessed to be surrounded this year by so many who share a devotion to St. Joseph. As a group through the power of prayer we have come together to continue the deep rooted Sicilian tradition for future generations. It’s been wonderful to see the young kids join us in prayer and song each night. It truly warmes my heart to see them inthustically following  their prayer books eager to learn the  Sicilian words! It’s been a wonderful 2 weeks of prayer and preparation for our celebatory feast on Thursday March 19th. It’s hard to believe that tonight is our last “Novena” of the 2015 celebration. I have to thank my faithful Novena ladies for everything they did to make this years so special…the memories we made, the laughs we had, the tears we shed, and the jokes we told, and the  stories shared will be remember for a lifetime. As Andrea reminds us each night “we got at least 30 more years of this together ladies!” Please know from the bottom of my heart ,I thank each and everyone of you for being by my side night after night and I very much look forward to the next 30 years together.  Tonight we pray one last time together, and tomorrow we celebrate our Patron Saint Joseph!


Viva Gesu Maria Giuseppe….Viva!



 Father Jim Blessing the Altar and ingredients for tomorrows feast Of St. Joseph


Click Read More For Bridget Mathews photo gallery of last nights blessing prayers service.





Continue reading “Fr. Jim Blessing The Altar & Ingredients for The 2015 St. Joseph Feast”

Live From “Second Glance” The Thrift Store Of The Open Door


Second Glance Statue post

Yesterday Charlene M Delany a Facebook friend posted the photo and caption above. After liking her post, I couldn’t stop thinking about the photo of the religious statues. This morning after meeting friends for coffee, I decided to stop by The Open Doors Thrift Store, Second Glance to see if the St. Joseph and St. Anthony statues were still on display, and find out if they were indeed for sale. After a quick scan of the glass and collectable area of the store, I was directed to their back room, where I immediately spotted them on a display shelf, exactly as shown in the photo on Facebook yesterday morning. As I approached the shelf I was thrilled to see they both were labeled with very reasonably priced sale tags! As I carefully lifted the heavy statues from the display, my heart was fluttering with joy, as I carried them to the cash register to purchase them!




After a quick wash and polish, they were added to our family altar!  





They make beautiful additions to our collection!


Second Glance is located on Pond Road, Gloucester Ma.
