Viva Mariposa!



Yesterday while preparing bread for our Feast of ST. Joseph, my BFF Dee Noble creatively shaped a Mariposa “String Of Pearls” inspired “Viva St. Joseph Bread” for the altar when I was in the other room fixing a second batch of bread dough. She knows my love for all things Mariposa and thought our altar needed a special Mariposa touch!

2015 altar bread st joseph 1

This year’s Altar Breads

st joe altar bread 2015 2

st joe altar bread 2015 3

The big question late last night…
How many men does it take to put the Mariposa away?”


BFF Dee, directing the men during the massive team effort to tidy the house after last nights feast!

Family friend and GMG Contributor Donna Ardizzoni was in the kitchen with us all day photographing the process of preparing dishes served at last night’s traditional St. Joseph Feast. Look for her Photo gallery tomorrow afternoon!


Donna Thank you for everything! Yesterday was so much fun! My kitchen is always filled with laughter when your in it!


James and I look forward to selecting photos from your gallery for cookbook #3!