Community Stuff Saturday

Scott Bumpus writes-



Your doing a great job with the blog.  Without your blog we never would have known about tacos lupita, now we come up there all the time for lunch!  It would be interesting to know how many people found out about the place through the blog.

if you think this is of any value to your readers feel free to post but if not, no problem.

We still have availability for the repair classes tomorrow night and remaining classes too.  the info is right on or on our facebook site.

thanks keep up the good work.

scott b


Muffy White writes-

Good morning Joey!
Hope you are well – feel like there is less banter in my life with the
Dodge Ball tourney behind us!

Anyway – I am working with East Gloucester Elementary School hosting a Summer Camp Fair (flyer attached)….wondering if GMG could help us by posting the flyer and inviting all Cape Ann Families to come and see the plethora of options for summer fun for the kids! 

Also to note that any camps and programs who would like to get involved they
contact me ( OR



The nation’s most comprehensive health survey will be coming to Essex County in April 2012. Known as the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, NHANES combines interviews and physical examinations to assess the health and nutrition of adults and children throughout the United States. Every year approximately 5,000 people from 15 different US counties have the opportunity to participate in the survey. 
NHANES began in the early 1960s and is conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Center for Health Statistics. The NHANES interview includes demographic, socioeconomic, dietary, and health-related questions. The examination component consists of medical, dental, and physiological measurements, as well as laboratory tests administered by highly trained medical personnel.
“NHANES is very much like a ‘health exam center on wheels,’ that goes out into actual communities to get data on real Americans,” said NCHS Director Edward Sondik. “It truly is a unique resource for health information in this country, and without it we wouldn’t have data on a number of important health conditions.”
NHANES provides annual estimates on a range of diseases such as the number of individuals who have heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, hypertension, respiratory disease, and other conditions. The information gathered in NHANES is used by public health officials, legislators, and physicians to develop sound health policies, direct and design health programs and services, and expand the health knowledge for the nation.
Individuals selected for the survey represent the U.S. population of all ages. Respondents first participate in a health interview conducted in the respondent’s home. A team of specially-trained professionals conducts the household interviews. The health examination that follows takes place in one of three mobile examination centers which will be set up in Peabody at the Boston Marriott (chosen as a central location for all of Essex County). 
A team of health personnel, including a physician, nutritionists, and health and laboratory technicians using high-tech, state-of-the-art equipment, staffs the mobile examination centers. All participants receive an examination by a physician, as well as a dietary interview, and body measurements that include height and weight.   Some will be eligible for a hearing test, a scan to evaluate skeletal health, a breathing test, as well as a blood pressure test.  The various tests and procedures depend upon the age of the participant. No medical care is provided directly in the examination center, but a report on the medical findings is given to each participant along with an explanation from survey medical staff.
All individual information collected in the survey is kept strictly confidential, and privacy is protected by public law. Participants selected to undergo the physical examination receive reimbursement for travel expenses and are given a monetary incentive. Interviewing in Essex County will begin on April 7, 2012 and examinations will begin on April 28, 2012.
The Massachusetts Commissioner of Public Health John Auerbach has endorsed NHANES, as well as Mayor Carolyn A. Kirk, the Gloucester Board of Health, and Noreen Burke, the city’s Health Director. For more information about NHANES, please call 1-800-452-6115, visit, or contact the Gloucester Health Department at (978) 281-9771.



Scott Bumpus Writes-

We will be hosting a FREE open clinic on June 20th at Stage Fort Park in Gloucester for all Triathlete levels.
8:00am : Sign in
8:15am : Pre Ride of the Gloucester Fisherman Triathlon bike course
with Gloucester Fisherman’s Triathlon Race Director Janda Ricci Munn and former pro cyclist Phil Wong.
Learn how to race safely and efficiently
* pacing strategies
* climbing technique
* braking
* cornering
* and changes to course from last year
9:00am : Transition Clinic by Janda Ricci-Munn
plus tips and techniques to make your event day go smoother.
9:15am : Run Clinic with Janda Ricci-Munn
Running drills and form work to increase run efficiency.
Janda will perform run analysis using video camera and Dartfish software to film and analyze run mechanics.
Particular attention will be paid to the determination of where each runner’s foot strike occurs in relation to their center of gravity and how body position when running can affect gait mechanics throughout the stride cycle.
10:00am : We’ll have a short Q&A to finish up
*Please note that if you do not have a Gloucester beach sticker there is a $15 parking fee. Parking should also be available on the boulevard.
*Show up a little early and leave time to get ready so you don’t miss the start of the ride.
Posted in General Training Tips
« Club “Meet & Greet” Thurs. 4/22 @ Seaside