Schooner Captain and super GMG FOB Al Bezanson writes, “While searching for something else on the NOAA website I discovered that this treasure of a book is available free online. I purchased a printed copy of the 1953 edition long ago from the Museum of Comparative Biology at Harvard University, and I open it randomly at times to read a page or two about the creatures that inhabit the sea off Cape Ann. You can work your way through fish by fish, enjoy the exquisite drawings, the habits and the anecdotes about common and exotic marine life. Here are couple photos from my copy and a link to the book.”

Link to the book: Fishes of the Gulf of Maine

Here’s more … MBLWHOI sponsored the copying of the 1953 edition to make it available online. There is a newer 2002 edition, not digitized, from Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, DC,  2002. 748 pp., illus. $75.00 (ISBN 1560989513 cloth). Review here…


After posting a photo of Schooner Sugar Babe, First Mate Amy of the Schooner Green Dragon asked if we could see how the Green Dragon fared, and yes, she appears to have weathered the storm. Three crazy surfers were at Good Harbor Beach (no margin for error here). The wave action along the backshore was dramatic although they didn’t seem quite as huge as after some recent nor’easters. Temperatures are predicted to drop below zero this weekend. I hope everyone has their power restored and are keeping cozy.



Did you know that the schooner shown here in the Charles Movalli painting is none other than Gloucester’s Al Bezanson’s Green Dragon?

Saturday, April 1st, at 2pm author and art historian Judith Curtis is giving an illustrated lecture to accompany the “Charles Movalli: Cape Ann and Beyond” exhibit currently at the Cape Ann Museum. To reserve seating and read more about the event go to the museum’s website here. 

Green Dragon and Skipper Al Bezanson Winners!


Schooner Green Dragon placed first in the Small Schooner Class in the 2014 Schooner Races, winning the Betty Ramsay Plate. Al Bezanson, who’s the owner of Green Dragon and is on the Schooner Race committee, sits in the cockpit of his schooner. Photo  by Kathy Chapman.

Photo © Kathy Chapman 2013-14


Gloucester Welcomes Schooners with Loaves of Warm Virgilio’s Bread!

Joe Virgilio ©Kim Smith 2014 -2.This past spring while working on Gloucester’s Feast of Saint Joseph film project, I filmed Joe Virgilio making Virgilio’s Saint Joseph rolls and wrote a post for GMG about Virgilios. At that time, Al Bezanson, owner of the Green Dragon Schooner, shared that during Schooner Festival, Joe Virgilio welcomes the schooners with warm loaves of freshly baked bread as they sail into Gloucester Harbor.

Al provides more details:

“Hi Kim

Virgilio’s started donating bread to the visiting schooners two years ago, and it now threatens to become a popular new tradition.  The first year Brett and Max Ramsey, in Brett’s high speed inflatable, met up with schooners as they entered the harbor and presented them with a loaf or two along with a pineapple.  In some cases the bread was still warm from the oven.  When that happened with Adventurer, out came the butter, and the bread was enjoyed in a flash. Last year Max and Dom Nesta made the deliveries, and more of the Sea Scouts may be handling it this year.”

Schooner welcome

In the photos Al provided, Green Dragon had just received a delivery in the outer harbor as she entered from Manchester.

Schooner welcome 1

I was so struck by the Virgilio’s generous, welcoming gesture and thought what better time to pass along Al’s story than the night before the Schooners begin to arrive. As Al points out, “When you get around schooner people you may hear them talking about the need to have extra butter aboard in Gloucester. This is a very big deal in fending off other ports that are vying for schooners that same weekend. Thanks Joe and the high speed Ramsey/Nesta delivery guys!”

Joe Virgilio bread gloucester ma ©Kim Smith 2014

Virgilio's ©Kim Smith 2014

10606178_718995488173406_6058799094986917975_nDuring summer months Virgilios makes fabulously delicious and delightfully refreshing Italian ice, created only with pure fresh fruit juices and cane sugar (not corn syrup).

For store hours and menu visit their Facebook page here.

Read more about Virgilio’s Saint Joseph rolls here.

Joe Virgilio St. Joseph Bread ©Kim Smith 2014Joe Virgilio Making Saint Joseph Rolls




A Selfie of Friendship and of Hope

My friend Al Bezanson visited me at Rehab, where I made my first "selfie." Between us, on his cell phone, is Al's bride Phyllis in her 20's. Al was in Gloucester to work on his schooner Green Dragon for spring launching. It's always a pleasure to see Al and Phyllis in the gallery, and at their summer digs on Rocky Neck over a bottle of rum. I made a promise to myself to sail the Green Dragon this summer, and take another selfie of us at the wheel.
My friend Al Bezanson visited me at Rehab, where I made my first “selfie.” Between us, on his cell phone, is Al’s bride Phyllis in her 20’s. Al was in Gloucester to work on his schooner Green Dragon for spring launching. It’s always a pleasure to see Al and Phyllis in the gallery, and at their summer digs on Rocky Neck over a bottle of rum. I made a promise to myself to sail the Green Dragon this summer, and take another selfie of us at the wheel.