Chickity Check It- Sandy Bay Day

A couple of weeks ago someone from contacted me and asked if I’d write a little blurb about the site that they had just put up and add a link to my blogroll. You never really know if people are serious about their blogging or community sites from the first couple of weeks.

See, at first you’re all excited watching your site take form and customizing it the way you would like. The energy level is high and you are discovering a bunch of new techy stuff to add. In the past 4 months there have been a bunch of people ask me how to start a blog so I lead them down the path and more times than not the folks don’t realize how much work it is and they let it go.

Even though SandyBayDay is in it’s infancy, I’d say if you were a Rockporter it would be a must visit site. They have made it a community type of site with a bunch of people contributing as opposed to what I do here where it’s led by mainly one person and come’s from that person’s perspective.

There is a LOT there in just a short amount of time for the Rockporter or person interested in Rockport.

Click this text to check out and see what I’m talking about.