Gloucester Water Taxi – 1900 Style

Gloucester Harbor, circa 1900 Russell Robins/©Fredrik D. Bodin
Ten years ago a woman came into my gallery with fourteen 4×5 inch glass negatives that she found in the attic, and was going to sell them in her yard sale. They were in good condition, and all were harbor scenes. The only information she could give me was the photographer’s name: Russell Robins, and that he may have worked for Gorton’s Seafood. I bought them for much more than a yard sale price. As it turned out, they were all of Gloucester’s working harbor.
This photograph shows how busy the harbor was, with motor, sail, and rowing boats. The man rowing into the picture on the left is wearing a derby and looks like a businessman. He could be on his way to check out a fishing schooner’s catch and negotiate a price. Behind him are two schooners and the tug Startle. The distant shoreline is East Gloucester, and Rocky Neck is on the right. Over time, I realized that people in the fishing industry commuted by boat, unless a ship was tied up at the dock. Hundreds of people, including fishermen, shipwrights, fish company agents, provisioners, and owners, would row out to conduct the fishery’s business. And that’s probably why Russell Robins was out there too– with his camera.
Printed from the original 4×5 inch glass negative in my darkroom. Negative # A9945-009
Fred Bodin
Bodin Historic Photo
82 Main Street
Gloucester, MA 01930