Rudder Reconstruction Update 3/30/09

They saved the original floor.  There was a layer of flooring that was put right down over the original floor.  It is being restored to the original floor which is estimated to be over 100 years old.  Throughought the project care was taken to try to save as much of the original elments from the building.

Rudder Reconstruction Update 3/30/09, originally uploaded by captjoe06.


Rudder Reconstruction Original Windows

These are the original windows.  It would have been much easier and less costly to use new windows. The owners commitment to saving as much as possible of this building throughout the rebuild is commendable.


Rudder Reconstruction Update 3/30/09

Here is one of the changes to the inside of the newly reconstructed Rudder Restaurant on Rocky Neck.  This lobster tank has been framed out with driftwood.  Lots of the original detail and wood has been retained and reinstalled.  Video coming from inside at 10:00AM

Rudder Reconstruction Update 3/30/09, originally uploaded by captjoe06.


Rudder Reconstruction Update 3/30/09

Anyone that has been reading the blog for a while knows about my fascination with construction projects around town.  I’ve been keeping up with the Rudder reonstruction on Rocky Neck this past winter but FINALLY I got to go inside to tape some video for YOU, my loyal readers!  Sweet!  Who brings you inside like your boy Joey?  Nobody!

Anywho, hee is a pic of the chef of many years, the infamous Wheels who had been at Dogbar all winter but will resume his duties at The Rudder come opening day.

Look for the video tour of the guts of this favorite summer haunt of many Gloucester resident and tourists alike tomorrow morning at 10:00AM.


Rudder Reconstruction Update 12/28/08

Lots of composite trex-like decking.  Smart to use around salt water.  I wonder how they will finish off around that edge.  Stay tuned to these pages and we will find out as the project rolls forward.

Rudder Rocky Neck Reconstruction Update 12/14/08

If you click the picture and select “all sizes” you can see any of the pictures here in full size and greater detail.

The deck at The Rudder is IMO the best places in town to bring guests for dinner on a warm summer night.

Rudder Reconstruction Update 11/15/08

The windows and doors are for the most part in.  Lots of glass.  Sunrises over the hill will fill those top floors with beautiful light.  Considering that on the second floor those are full sized doors and then two full sets of windows this gives you an idea of how large the space is upstairs.