Today’s paper: Gail McCarthy covers Jeanne Blake message in a bottle story #GloucesterMA #CapeElizabeth #GreatRead

Another great read from Gail McCarthy in the Gloucester Daily Times:

Gail McCarthy. “Making Connections in an era of isolation: Bottle with messages from Maine Found,Gloucester Daily Times, 14 April 2020, front page

Jeanne Blake story Gloucester Daily Times article by Gail McCarthy_20200414_©c ryan


For more of the story, here’s Jeanne Blake “Message from the Sea”

Coveted Yarns On East Main Street

When you drive by Coveted Yarn at night the bright colors light up the windows of it’s store at 121 East Main Street (next to Smoking Jim’s).  Here’s Robert stocking shelves.  You can see one of the couches where you can sit and knit and chat with other knitters.

Coveted Yarns On East Main Street

Ridiculous Discounts on the clearance racks at Coveted Yarn.  There was some yarn that was $9 per skein that was marked down to $3 and if you bought a whole bunch they further were reduced 20% on top of that.  Well worth it for you to checkout if you are a knitter, or know a knitter that might like a gift certificate for the holidays!

Coveted Yarn Baby Hat Contest

At Coveted Yarn they have a fantastic contest in which everyone is a winner.  For every baby hat knitted and donated Coveted Yarn places an entry in for a drawing for a $50 gift certificate.  The baby hats then get donated to children wards at hospitals.  That’s a great idea in my book.  For all you knitters or people that want to learn how, swing by their shop on East Main Street next to Smoking Jim’s from 10-12 on Saturdays for free knitting lessons.

Coveted Yarn Baby Hat Contest, originally uploaded by captjoe06.

Coveted Yarn Part Three Interview at 3:00PM

Coveted Yarns On East Main Street

There is a warm aura in this joint with couches and chairs.  Certainly a community aspect as you can hang out and joing the knitting revolution currently taking place in Gloucester.

Extended Holiday Hours:
Mon – Thurs 10:00AM – 9:30PM
Fri 10:00AM – 4:00PM
Sat & Sun 10:00AM – 5:00PM