CT Coppersmiths Codfish Find At The Dress Code

Here’s the signature on the back of the codfish.  It’s a nice touch.

I know many Gloucester retailers read these pages.  I wonder if anyone would like to carry his line.  There’s a thing about fish art in Gloucester.  Most times people make fish art but they in no way shape or form resemble anything that is caught off our shores.  Usually they are some weird bastardized generic fish that has nothing to do with the fish that built this city back in the day.  This Codfish is a great recreation of what was once the backbone of Gloucester’s economic engine.

CT Coppersmiths Codfish Find At The Dress Code

Here’s a copper codfish that I found at The Dress Code consignment shop downtown.   It is signed on the back with the 1989 and Connecticut Coppersmiths.  I did a search on Connecticut Coppersmiths and found this link

It says the artist is Rob Bunting and he has been at it since 1984.  It’s a beautiful piece and we plan on mounting it over the cooktop at the homestead.