“LMAO!!!” From Rick Anderson – This is the kind of email that makes it all worthwhile.



I’ve been reading GMG for a couple of years now. (maybe even three). I’m originally from Gloucester and only visit once in a while to visit my wife’s relatives. She’s a Scola. I listened today to your pod cast for the first time and almost fell on the floor laughing so hard. I loved it. In response to some of your themes I would like to give my opinion. I have an asshole so therefore I have an opinion. The comment that the blog is going soft may be true but so what if it is? It’s your blog. If I don’t like it (and I love it) I’ll go somewhere else. I’m just an outside voyeur looking in on life from your point of view. You blog helps me keep in touch with the town I grew up in and love, Gloucester. I like how it changes from time to time and how it tends to meander based on what’s going on in the lives of your contributors. I remember Toby form HS and also his brother Barry. It’s nice to see people I used to know on your blog.

In regards to Donna or you posting pics of you kids and grandkids go for it and the hell with everyone else. It’s your blog not mine or anyone else’s like me who’s too dam lazy to start their own. In fact I like seeing the up and personal family pics. The comment that Sista Felicia was “marketing” her own book provokes this response from me “duh!”. Of course she has the right to do a bit of self-promoting on your blog. Do you know why? Because it’s your blog! I like the recipes and will most likely be buying the book for my wife. On a side note Sista Felicia should be on one of those cable cooking channels with her own show. Maybe you should take the next step and get her a producer and do a pilot. There’s no show out there that does Italian (Sicilian) cooking. I think it would be a hit.

The new format with the “read more” link to shorten the need to scroll is very nice though as you said it wasn’t a big deal scrolling through the pages. Fred Bowden’s pic of old time Gloucester is fantastic. I’d love to see more of them.

As a bit of constructive encouragement one thing I’d like to see is when you post pictures of people it would be nice to have their names. So many of us have changed in our appearance over the years it would help us who have been away from Gloucester put a name with a face. I know it can be done in all cases but if you could I and my wife would appreciate it. In the end keep doing what your hear tells you and to hell with the nay-sayers. It’s easy to tear things apart. It takes hard work to build something good. Keep up the good work since you are my only real connection that I have to Gloucester.


Rick Anderson

Hampton, NH 03842

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