Movies – “Hi-Def Hitch”

hd_hitch-posterHI-DEF HITCH
The Cape Ann Community Cinema
267 East Main St. (at Gloucester Stage)
Gloucester, MA 01930

THE BIRDS ::: Tues., 3/24 @ 7:15pm
REAR WINDOW ::: Wed., 3/25 @ 7:15pm
VERTIGO ::: Thurs., 3/26 @ 7:15pm
PSYCHO ::: Fri., 3/27 @ 7:15pm

As you might have figured out by now, we’re serious film fans. So when we found four of Master Of Suspense Alfred Hitchcock’s four greatest films were being pulled out of the vaults at Universal, we got giddy. And we have reason to — they look and sound better than they have since their original theatrical releases. Remastered in the highest quality high-definition picture and sound, we are thrilled to be able to share “The Birds” (Mar. 24), “Rear Window” (Mar. 25), “Vertigo” (Mar. 26) and “Psycho” (Mar. 27) with you as part of this very special engagement. Please join us so that Universal is keen to go back to the vaults for more great classics.