Gloucester At Dawn- 4:54AM 4/30/12 Salvation Star, Providenza and Francesca & Carlo- Railway To Railway

This shot was taken alongside the Railway at The Gloucester Maritime Heritage Center looking out across the harbor to the East Gloucester Marine Railway.

The amount of light in this shot is deceiving because the shutter was left open for a good long time to try to collect as much light as possible to burn in the colors. Obviously this type of shot with such little available light is not possible without the aid of a tripod.

Click the photo to see it larger and the details on the Adventure and boats tied up at The East Gloucester Marine Railway all the way across the harbor.  I like this shot a lot especially considering the very little light available to use.


Below is what it looked like to the human eye without the long exposure-


Providenza In The Straps At Rose’s Marine

It’s hard to believe that this boat was capsized two days ago.  You wouldn’t know it by looking at it here.  This picture was taken at 4:50AM today

Capsized Providenza Being Hauled Out At Rose’s Marine

Bill Lee’s Ocean Reported Towed The Providenza To Rose’s Marine Where She Was Hauled Out This Morning.