Fish folding!

We had fun folding fish for the Gloucester Origami Fishmash/Christmas tree on Saturday! We got more than a third of the way to our 1000 fish goal in just a few hours, thanks to lots of visitors, including a few who folded fish fast and furious!

We still need more fish, though, so if you know how to fold origami fish (no cutting, fish preferably no more than 3″ or 4″ long when folded), please fold some and bring them to The Hive during its open hours.  Any origami sea life, from simple (anyone can do it!) to complex (Dr. Carbone, I’m talking to you!) are welcome!

_Fish folding 1In the back you can see the origami tree, which ended up a good size!

Here I am folding fish with friend, GMG contributor, and FOB Rick Isaacs:

_Fish folding with Rick Isaacs

We hope to start hanging the fish on the tree soon (maybe by the time this post hits the web)!

– Fr. Matthew Green

Fish Folding, and Candles in St. Sulpice in Paris

Hope to see you today for fish folding at The Hive! (Buoy painting is going on at Art Haven, so we’re keeping the paper and the paint separate.)  The origami tree is practically ready! David, Mary Ann, and I added more layers last night to get it to a good height. We’d go further but we ran out of the right kind of paper…


So, now it’s fish time! Although we’re recommending the “twist fish” by Gay Merrill Gross because it’s quick and easy, any origami fish folded from one uncut piece of paper will be accepted.

I am working little by little through my photos from vacation in France… This one is appropriate for today, Dec. 8, on which Catholics celebrate a Marian feast day, the Immaculate Conception.

A beautiful church!

Fr. Matthew Green