Gravestone in Backyard

dsc_5545We’ve been doing some research on this small gravestone in our rental property on Wall St. It has it’s own raised up plot with a wall surrounding the built-up area. And it’s level with the kitchen window, so every morning we’re face to face with Maria.

We’ve asked the landlord and he thinks it may have been a pet, but pets don’t usually have first and last names or live for 85 or so years.

The engraving is somewhat difficult to read unless the light is just right. What I think it says is “Maria Niemi    y26-6-1842     t 3-9-1927”

We’re  curious  as to who she was and  the history behind the gravestone.

Anyone have any ideas or where we might look to find out?

At least we’d know who’s peeking in the window!     —-Sharon
