JOE G WRITES GMG: INFO ABOUT ROSARIO PIRAINO PAINTING? Part 2- artist’s daughter, writer Stephanie DelTorchio reaches out

Stephanie DelTorchio responds to yesterday’s Good Morning Gloucester post, a request from FOB Joey G seeking information about art by Rosario Piraino.

“This is my Dad. Feel free to contact me.”

DelTorchio also provided a link to her inspiring post DECLARE YOUR DREAM about her father, Rosario Piraino. It includes a photograph of her father painting in his studio, aka ‘his happy place’.

DelTorchio’s most recent blog post, “Life is a battle of inches”, is about National Novel Writing Month. She took the NaNoWriMo writing challenge: “NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) is an annual novel writing project that brings together professional and amateur writers from all over the world. The CHALLENGE: Write a 50,000 word novel in a MONTH. The GOAL: Survive the challenge.

On November 1st I jumped into the writing “craze” known as #NaNoWriMo — National Novel Writing Month. This is the Olympics for writers from all over the world — beginners to accomplished — who accept the challenge to write a novel, roughly 50,000 words, in a month.

For the past ten years I’ve toyed with joining but each year withdrew at the last minute. This time I’m walking the walk. Wish me luck, okay?”

Good luck, Stephanie, and thank you for taking a break to reach out to GMG.

Declare Your Dream, by Stephanie DelTorchio, tribute to her father, Rosario Piraino