Eric Lorden Interviews Missy Hart From Sugar Mag’s

Missy said the only way I could air this is if I put in the disclaimer that Eric is an asshole.

So there you go-

For the record Missy had no disparaging remarks for the judges of the good Morning Gloucester Holiday Cookie Contest.  This is Eric trying to create a controversy that simply did not exist and Missy was most gracious in defeat.

Seafood Throwdown Finale Press Release From Niaz

Hi everyone,

Hear is this week’s Seafood Throwdown press release.  Two chefs from Gloucester will be cooking at this Thursday’s Seafood Throwdown: Miranda Mello & Melissa Hart.

It is through shear coincidence that the restaurants they are each currently working in share a wall – Miranda works part of her time at Passports; Melissa owns Sugar Magnolia’s.  Both are on Gloucester’s Main Street.  And both chefs happen to be natives of Cape Ann/Gloucester.  Talk about keeping it local.  I look forward to this.

Thank you all for all you each have done that has made the Seafood Throwdown fulfill its purpose: a fun, educational and community driven activity that promotes the ecological and economic benefit of locally caught seafood.  It really couldn’t have happened without each of your contributions.

Steve and I spent some time talking about the next steps on the Community Supported Fisheries front.  It’s likely you’ll hear more about the next steps in that process in not too distant future.

See a bunch of you on Thursday.  The rest of you, soon, I hope.

All the best,


To View Miranda’s Video Announcement you can click this text for her pre-interview