Bananas Vintage Martini Sets

Yesterday morning while swinging through town I saw Bananas open and I planned on popping in to see if FOB (friend of the blog) Debbie Clark was working.

Debbie wasn’t in but owner Richard Leonard was so I got to chatting with Richard about how long he had been in business with Bananas and what motivates him after all these years.  The video interview will be posted at 2:00PM today

There’s a lot of cool stuff that Richard has packed into his shop.  Among them are these vintage martini sets.

Looking for something fun to do to break up the routine?  Here’s a suggestion-

Go down to Bananas and get yourself one of these vintage martini sets.  Then invite a couple of your closest friends over, mix up some maritinis and get shmammered.  Sounds like a hell of an idea to me!

Bananas Martini Sets, originally uploaded by captjoe06.