Magnolia Reunion from Tim Moran

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Throughout the 1940s and the 1950s, Marcia, Tim, and Sunny Moran traveled from their home, first in Boston then in Kansas City , to spend more than 15 summers with their grandparents, former Gloucester High School principal Wilfred and Marion Ringer, on Shore Road in Magnolia.
In time, as some of the residents moved away and the summer visitors grew up and got on with their lives, with a few exceptions, we all lost track of each other.

While on the way to Magnolia, they eagerly looked forward to renewing old friendships and making new ones with both the “townies” kids (full time residents) and others who were visiting relatives in Magnolia.

Having been back separately, Marcia, Tim, and Sunny planned to be together in Gloucester and Magnolia in mid-September for the first time in over 25 years. The Moran “kids” started contacting people with whom they had kept in touch and soon a Magnolia Kids Reunion was being planned.

As people flew and drove to Gloucester from as far away as California and Texas , we ended up with a gathering of more than 26 people, most of whom had not seen each other in SIXTY years!

It SURE was good to renew old friendships, to see who married who, and hear all about their kids and grandkids.

To see the pictures of the gathering, please visit –

Tim Moran