Globe critics pick their 42 favorite upcoming New England arts: 2 from Cape Ann

Boston Globe

Boston Globe critics –Kate Tuttle (books); Zoe Madonna (classical music); Karen Campbell (dance); Loren King (film); Michael Andor Brodeur (pop music); Don Aucoin (theater); Malcom Gay (visual arts)– published an arts preview:  “Globe Critics survey of 42 Essential art events in New England that you won’t want to miss this spring and summer.”

Congratulations to Rockport Chamber Music Festival and Clara Wainwright for making the list! Rockport Chamber Music Festival is June 2-July 9 at the Shalin Liu Performance Center. Clara Wainwright, artist and First Night Founder, is one of 8 artists selected for the  21st round of Art on the Marquee, the “massive three sided, seven screened, 80 foot tall marquee at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center” public art project. Look for that exhibit March 16-April 17.

Here’s the geographic tally:

Boston area, MA arts events: 19
Western, MA: 8
North Shore, MA: 2 –Rockport/Chamber Music Festival and Lincoln/Thoreau. (Clara’s work will be shown in Boston)
Cape and islands, MA: 4
ME: 4
RI: 3
VT: 1
CT: 1 (could be New Bedford…)

Most of the MOTT seasonal round ups and e-blasts are light on North Shore listings.