Listen to Gloucester’s own author Hannah Kimberley live on NPR’s All things Considered!!

Listen Sunday August 13th at 5pm on NPR for Hannah’s interview about her new book A WOMAN’s PLACE IS AT THE TOP! (Some states may air at different times.)

Share the love folks!! Congrats Hannah!!!


Don’t miss the Alice Gardner art exhibition at The Bookstore of Gloucester | dozens of Fiesta books already sold!

The Bookstore of Gloucester
Alice Gardner | St Peter’s Fiesta Gloucester, Massachusetts
A solo exhibition featuring the original illustrations (gouache, pen&ink, some acrylic) for her NEW children’s picture book published ©2017 the 90th Anniversary of Gloucester’s St. Peter’s Fiesta!
Address: 61 Main Street. Gloucester, MA 01930
Exhibition dates: June 3, 2017 – Fiesta and beyond!
Bookstore phone: (978) 281-1548

SAVE THE DATE: Saturday June 17

The first St. Peter’s Fiesta book launch and debut reading will be held at Gloucester Lyceum & Sawyer Free Public Library as a special part of a celebration program for the 90th Anniversary Party of St. Peter’s Fiesta thrown by the library, The Bookstore and Caffe Sicilia on Saturday June 17, 10-11:15AM 

“After coming to Gloucester so much I finally said I have to get a studio so I can spend my days here!”

She did. Alice Gardner maintains a studio in downtown Gloucester, next to the Cape Ann Museum. She has lived on the North Shore for more than 40 years. St. Peter’s Fiesta is a subject Gardner has photographed, chronicled and painted for over a decade.

Gardner says that multiple programs and contacts stemming from the Cape Ann Reads initiative and the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators were critical in getting this new book into production. “Just do it!” was a motivating topic from a Steven Pressfield talk sponsored by the latter. She did. She created an entire new body of some of the Fiesta moments that have touched her most, alive with color and completed in time to coincide with the 2017 90th year Anniversary. Gardner was also inspired by Anita Silvey’s Cape Ann Reads presentations. She said Silvey mentioned “calling all these celebrities for “Everything I need to Know I learned From A Children’s Book.” It made me think that. Why don’t I just call? I wanted to talk to the Mayor. I wanted to talk to many people…This is a Gloucester story. They all grew up with Fiesta. I did not. They became part of creating the book…”  Gardner’s generous acknowledgement narrative is given great attention in the design.

The new paintings on exhibit are not for sale, but you can see a small selection of Gardner’s joyous responses to the spirit of Fiesta in larger, earlier works at The Book Store; or call ahead and visit her studio. “I am inspired by public events that make people happy, they’re doing things where there’s a unique sense of place and culture.” Gardner painted a series inspired by Boston icons– like the Boston Common swan boats– for Massachusetts General Hospital’s Illuminations. She’s also captured the seasonal charm of Manchester by the Sea at Fourth of July.



Studio next to Cape Ann Museum

The Bookstore has a substantial children’s book section The Bookstore of Gloucester Facebook link

Alice print exhibit at the books store for Sebastian Junger reading and Fiesta 2016 

Alice photos OF Fiesta featured on GMG

The Bookstore of Gloucester and local artists for Deborah Cramer’s Narrow Edge talk at Sawyer Free Library



Fans, friends, colleagues, and teachers enjoyed a free public program at Sawyer Free Library to hear more about the making of the Narrow Edge by Deborah Cramer. The talk was sponsored by the library, Kestrel, The Gloucester Writers Center, and Eastern Point Lit House (Deborah will be leading one of the upcoming book discussions at Duckworth’s). It was a treat to hear more about the long friendship and collaboration of Deborah Cramer and Susan Quateman (learn more about Susan’s art here) Patty Hanlon’s Cedar Tree Gallery at Walker Creek Furniture in Essex held the inaugural exhibit for this series.



Cramer read quotes from her book that also inspired Janet Essley’s art; Quateman, Essley and works by Michael DiGiorgio and George Textor were exhibited at the Matz Gallery in the Library.  Martin Ray’s sculpture seen to the right and behind Deborah during her talk is part of the library’s art collection.





“Unbeknownst to most people horseshoe crab blood safeguards human health.”

Avery from The Bookstore of Gloucester helped with the crush at book signing time.




Heidi Wakeman, a Gloucester O’Maley teacher, was excited to visit with her first grade teacher, and Barbara Kelley who we learned accompanied Cramer on a research trip for The Narrow Edge.



More scenes from this wonderful evening

Continue reading “The Bookstore of Gloucester and local artists for Deborah Cramer’s Narrow Edge talk at Sawyer Free Library”

Local Author Debuts First Novel

Very excited for FOB Carla Dellporta, she is releasing her first novel on August 31st.   Congratulations Carla..

For Immediate Release

 Press Contact:             Carla Dellaporta



Penelope Door, the pen name of Gloucester resident and writer, is releasing her first novel, Wounds of the Past.

This work of fiction is set in a small New England city and focuses on Matilda Dante, a complex woman struggling with hazy childhood memories – the most haunting of which is the spontaneous appearance of crosses on her wrists. Matti’s stigmata, and the bizarre death of her mother, were both chronicled in the local newspapers but get her no closer to bringing to light hidden family secrets. Guided by a gilded talisman and unsullied love, Matti begins to unearth the wounds of the past, discovering a most unexpected path to her future.

“I am thrilled to be among the group of amazingly talented writers on Cape Ann and am eager to see the public’s reaction to my debut novel”, Penelope stated.

On Wednesday, August 31st, Wounds of the Past will be available on Amazon, at the Bookstore of Gloucester on Main Street and several copies will be donated to the Sawyer Free Library by the author.

Penelope Door will also be featured at the Eastern Point Lit House’s Third Thursday Open Mic night on September 15th at 261 Main Street, Gloucester at 7:30PM. No fee. No RSVP. Please stop by to hear a reading and to learn the true identity of “Penelope Door”.

About the Author:

Penelope Door, a proud Brooklyn NYC native, now calls Cape Ann home. When her loyal puppy, Benjamin, is not demanding all of her time she is hard at work on completing her next novel, Conviction, her memoir and a series of children’s books.


Local Author Tom Hauck Reading from “The Body on the Rocks” at Toad Hall Bookstore

Author Tom Hauck ©kim Smith 2014Thanks so much to Joe and Meg for Tom’s reading at Toad Hall Bookstore!

Lisa Smith kindly writes that Cape Ann TV will be airing Tom’s reading during the week of July 28th. The following are the times and dates. Thanks so much Lisa and Steven!

Tues, July 29 at 9 pm
Thurs., July 31 at 9 am
Fri, Aug. 1 at 8 pm
Sat., Aug. 2 at 9 am and 9:30 pm
Sun., Aug 3 at 11 pm

Cape Ann TV ©Kim Smith 2014Cape Ann TV’s Steven Essery

Discovering a local author

A while ago, Joey posted about a book “Confessions of a Gourmand, or How to Cook a Dragon” published by Gloucester author Tom Bruno. It looked interesting; I am a big fan of fantasy and science fiction, and the description of the book made it sound like an unlikely and original entry in the fantasy genre. However, I forgot about it after I downloaded it to my Kindle…

Then, a few months later (back in April), Joey posted about another short story by the same author, this time in the realm of scifi: “Bibliophile (L is for librarian)” I dutifully clicked over to and downloaded the Kindle edition… and only got around to reading it over the past week or so! But I’m glad I did. The story’s protagonist is a librarian on a rural colony on a far distant planet, where he has taken on the personal mission to provide good books and to kindle an enthusiasm for literature in the local population. His endeavors are impeded by local culture and by galactic politics, but he is not easily daunted. It’s a well-crafted and fun read, with likable characters and a satisfying conclusion. He promises a sequel, so I’ll have to keep my eye out for it!

So, now have started to read the longer book I downloaded earlier in the year. A word to the squeamish: you might not want to read the beginning of the book, which is a detailed explanation of how to butcher and cook a dragon, while you eat lunch, as I did (fortunately I’m not very squeamish). I’ll post a full review when I finish! Thanks to Joey for sharing the links to these stories; otherwise I would not have discovered them.

Kat Valentine’s Local Author Publishing Series

Kat Valentine is putting together a series of talks with authors who offer advice on writing and publishing.  here is the first in the series-

For/From Indie Authors: Daniel Arenson

Daniel Arenson is an author of fantasy fiction, from epic to dark and surreal. Like many writers, he began his career writing short stories. He sold his first story, "Worms Believe in God", in 1998. Since then, dozens of his stories and poems have appeared in various magazines, among them Flesh & Blood, Chizine, and Orson Scott Card’s Strong Verse. Five Star Publishing, an imprint of Gale, published Daniel’s fantasy novel Firefly Island in 2007. His second novel, the dark fantasy Flaming Dove, was released in 2010. The Gods of Dream, an epic Advice, is Daniel’s third novel.

Continued at: 

For/From Indie Authors: Daniel Arenson


Food & Writing & Walking

Gloucester’s own Denise Frame Harlan has been included in a book of collected essays called “The Spirit of Food”.  Denise is many things: mother, teacher, fabric artist and of course, writer – which makes her fit in perfectly on Cape Ann, with its community of creative people skilled in crafting both things and words.

Denise will be at Common Crow tomorrow, December 11th, from 11:30 to 1:30 pm to sign copies of “The Spirit of Food” or just chat with you about the life of a mother/teacher/fabric artist/writer.  This is a perfect complement to the Middle Street Walk going on just around the corner from Common Crow, so stop in and say hello, no purchase necessary (according to the writer herself).  You can take in a holiday walk on Middle Street, pick up your organic groceries and chat up a Gloucester writer all in one fell swoop.  Where else but on Cape Ann could you squeeze in so much good food and culture in the course of an ordinary Saturday?