Again And Again Limited Edition Badass Lobster Bag

If you click the picture and select “all sizes” you can see the bag up close and in greater detail.

Mr Not-So-Jinglenuts Digs The Mrs One Of A Kind Lobster Bag!

How cool is the whole concept anyway? Bags made from recycled sails.

The material is obviously perfect because it is strong and durable and weather resistant. The used sails were going to end up clogging up some landfill but now are being made into beautiful works of functional art.

I mean it all makes such perfect sense. Hell, even Mr JJ Not-So Jinglenuts digs it. And if Mr JJ Not-So-Jinglenuts digs em, they must be CAF

Again And Again Limited Edition Badass Lobster Bag

Freida made the Mrs a special edition lobster bag upon request. I personally think it’s the baddest ass bag in the planet!

If you’re really really nice and ask Freida she might make you one too. Call her at her shop (978)-407-7849