In the era of alternative facts, George Orwell’s dystopian novel, written in 1949, and set in 1984 is more relevant than ever. Here are some cover designs through the years, beginning with the green first edition novel.


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Oct. 21

1984 by George Orwell

Moderators: Maggie Dietz & Todd Hearon return to Book Club to co-lead this discussion. Maggie is the author ofThat Kind of Happy (University of Chicago Press, 2016) and Perennial Fall (University of Chicago, 2006), which won the 2007 Jane Kenyon Award for Outstanding Book of Poetry and a Wisconsin Library Association Literary Award for Outstanding Achievement. With Robert Pinsky  she co-edited three anthologies related to the Favorite Poem Project: Americans’ Favorite Poems (W.W. Norton & Co., 1999), Poems to Read (Norton, 2002), and An Invitation to Poetry (Norton, 2004), for which Dietz co-authored the classroom guide. Todd’s poetry collectionStrange Land (2010) was selected by poet Natasha Trethewey as a winner of the Crab Orchard Poetry Series in Poetry Open Competition Award. He is the recipient of a PEN New England Discovery Award and a Friends of Literature Prize from Poetry magazine. His second collection of poems, No Other Gods (Salmon Poetry, 2015), was a finalist for the Lexi Rudnitsky/Editor’s Choice Award, the May Swenson Poetry Award, and the Vassar Miller Poetry Prize.

The Lit House Book Club @ Duckworth’s is the opportunity to hear writers talk about a book they love from a writer’s perspective while enjoying dinner at one of Gloucester’s finest restaurants. Participants are expected to be familiar with the feature book, as there will be open discussion during the event.

Lit House founders Jenn Monroe and Chris Anderson’s hospitality, along with Chef Ken Duckworth’s sublime dinners, the Duckworth’s welcoming staff, and thoughtful conversation, make for a fabulous evening!